Hi, this morning i wanted to start my virtual machine, with no succes (i tried via my PowerShell script, and via the console).
In PS, i receive the following error:
Start-AzureVM : "An exception occurred when calling the ServiceManagement API. HTTP Status Code: 500. Service
Management Error Code: InternalError. Message: The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.
Operation Tracking ID: b3ecb963-1220-2898-857b-6963339b65e6."
At C:\My\SkyDrive\Documents\Scripts\start-azure-vm.ps1:6 char:5
+ Start-AzureVM -ServiceName "SPGEEK" -Name "SPGEEK"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Start-AzureVM], ServiceManagementClientException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.ServiceManagement.IaaS.StartAzureVMCommand