I have some questions concerning the setup of Remote Desktop Services Running on Azure. The following questions are:
- Is there a screen to add RDS Cal’s to the Remote Desktop Server in Azure setup and how much will they cost.
- What is the default size of a storage account in Azure? 1TB? And how many VM’s running at 500 IOPS can I run on that storage account?
- I have calculated that running a D-Series D2 instance would more than support a Windows Remote Desktop Services Server and host 10 Virtual Desktops with a medium work load. Does this sound correct?
- For 10 desktops running and 2 servers running is Azure, how would I best determine the Bandwidth needed for all machines running a WAN connected POS System 12 Hours a day. I plan on using 80 GB.
- I will be adding a Domain Controller with a private Domain to the Azure setup to allow the Remote Desktop Server to function correctly. Does Azure create an SSL for the Domain Controller or do I need to purchase my own and import it?
- Do I need to set Block Blobs, Page Blobs and Disks, Tables and Queues, Files, Storage Transactions and Bandwidth when setting up a storage account? Or does the default storage account settings handle all this for me?