Anyone else having problems with their VM's in Europe region?
A few hours ago, mine started running extremely slow, basically unusable.
Thought it could have been a DDOS attack, or the machine being overloaded.
I stopped Apache, eventually, and nothing was running, even removed the port 80 endpoint.
Still the machine would just freeze for 15-30 minutes when cat'ing a file or anything IO related, then work for a few minutes, then freeze again.
From what I can see its when disk IO is performed, then the process goes into 'D' state, which suggests its waiting for the disks to return data.
I presume there might be a problem with the storage system, as this looks something similar that happened last month also, and it turned out to be a problem with the storage system. Although the Azure status page said it was only US effected, it also effected Europe.
Anyone else having problems this evening?
I'm on a Linux VM, Ubuntu.
Thanks, Rob.