Now cloud-init is used to customize a Linux base image upon bootup (eg: deployed image = base generic linux image + "my" SSH keys + "my" install of MySQL + "my" customization etc). On Amazon EC2, this custom configuration data is supplied separately prior to booting up the VM.
On Azure's Ubuntu 12.04 stock image, I couldn't find a way of supplying this cloud-init specific data (either /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data OR /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg) so that the customization can run at boot time. Where/how are these persisted outside of the linux instance?
In fact between
- /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data and
- /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
which one am I supposed to use?
Finally, I see that my VHD is mounted at /dev/sda (30GB, living as a blob in the storage account VHDs). However there is also another 21.5GB disk living at /dev/sdb which I never added and which I don't see in blob storage. Upon bootup that (/dev/sdb) is not mounted either - where is that disk coming from?