I am trying to delete a VM I created and I keep getting
"The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request."
This happens both when using the portal and powershell.
Any ideas?
PS C:\Windows\system32> Remove-AzureVM bks-web01 bks-web03 VERBOSE: 12:35:37 p.m. - Begin Operation: Get Deployment VERBOSE: 12:35:41 p.m. - Completed Operation: Get Deployment VERBOSE: 12:35:42 p.m. - Begin Operation: Remove-AzureVM Remove-AzureVM : "An exception occurred when calling the ServiceManagement API. HTTP Status Code: 500. Service Management Error Code: InternalError. Message: The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.. Operation Tracking ID: f73e728f-36c6-476f-a260-0ec50ce5d6ae." At line:1 char:1+ Remove-AzureVM bks-web01 bks-web03+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Remove-AzureVM], ServiceManagementClientException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.ServiceManagement.IaaS.RemoveAzureVMCommand VERBOSE: 12:36:46 p.m. - Completed Operation: Remove-AzureVM