Hi Guys,
i have a little problem to deploy ExtraLarge VMs from persistent Image.
If I try to deploy a ExtraLarge VM in Azure it will faild with the following massage:
(Azure PS VM Status)
DeploymentName : xxxxxxxxxxxx
Name : xxxxxxxxxxxx
Label :
VM : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.ServiceManagement.Mod
InstanceStatus : FailedStartingVM
IpAddress :
InstanceStateDetails :
PowerState : Stopped
InstanceErrorCode : VM-AzureInternalError
InstanceFaultDomain : 0
InstanceName : xxxxxxxxxxxx
InstanceUpgradeDomain : 0
InstanceSize : ExtraLarge
AvailabilitySetName :
DNSName : http://xxxxxxxxxxxx.cloudapp.net/
ServiceName : xxxxxxxxxxxx
OperationDescription : Get-AzureVM
OperationId : 4c4228c2-274f-4f7a-9603-e4315237d09f
OperationStatus : Succeeded
I have before deployed successfull 25 ExtraLarge VMs in different Subnets, but
know can't deploy more VMS in ExtraLarge. If I delete the fault VM completly and recreate
i become the same error again.
But if create the VM only as Large VM, then it will work fine.
It is possible that AZURE only have a limited pool of VM slots for a defined VM size and
that the pool for the USWest and USEast DC's are know empty?
I desperately needtoexercisethis Sunday80VMsinExtraLarge Size for a Training
in Phoenix and Redmond.
Big thanks for help.