I connected to Azure using the command and steps show in inserted picture. When i run get "Get-AzureSubscription" i can see my subscription with correct subscription IDs. I have two subscriptions, subscription-1 and subscription-2.
Every time I run "get-azureVM " , I'll back to command prompt without showing any information about my VMs running in Azure, Why is it so?
1. Something wrong with the way I connect to Azure through Azure PowerShell or anything?
Also when I run "stop-azurevm", I was asked for "ServiceName" and "Name". I typed the following and saw this error message.
PS C:\> Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName zliantest -name WebRole_IN_0
VERBOSE: 3:49:47 PM - Begin Operation: Get Deployment
VERBOSE: 3:49:50 PM - Completed Operation: Get Deployment
Stop-AzureVM : Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: Roleinstance cannot be found: WebRole_IN_0
At line:1 char:1
+ Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName zliantest -name WebRole_IN_0
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Stop-AzureVM], ArgumentOutOfRangeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.ServiceManagement.IaaS.StopAzureVMCommand
2. How I can find out what is my "ServiceName" and "Name"? This is a screenshot of my portal.
Please help me find out how to stop azurevm ? It's an urgent issue to solve asap. Many thanks in advance.