I have a VM (with ADDC and DNS) in a cloud service (cloudservice1).
Here is the command
$dns1 = new-AzureDNS -name dns1 -ipaddress $vm1 = New-AzureVMConfig -Name 'testAdvm' -InstanceSize Small -Label testAdvmLabel -ImageName $img1 Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -WindowsDomain -Password password1 -JoinDomain domain.com -Domain domain -DomainUserName domain\administrator -DomainPassword password1 New-AzureVM -vms $vm1 -ServiceName cloudservice1 -DnsSettings $dns1
WARNING: VNetName, DnsSettings, DeploymentLabel or DeploymentName Name can only be specified on new deployments.
DNSsettings didnt work.
cannt I use existing cloud service? Each time I create a new VM , I have to create a New cloud service?
What shoud i do