Is it possible to move a VM from one Azure Virtual Network to another Virtual network within the same subscription?
The reason for this is that I originally created a virtual network WITHOUT the point to site VPN feature. Then built all of my servers on that Virtual Network. I then added the point to site VPN but there is a "feature" that if you enable after (i.e. not at the point of creation), then the DNS servers do not get added to the user VPN connection - meaning no name resolution.
So I have created a second vnet with the point to site feature enabled from the start, with the DNS server listed. When I create a VPN connection I get the DNS server.
So now I want to move all of my VM's onto this 2nd vnet so they can all communicate with each other, but also my VPN clients will get name resolution and communicate with the server now on this 2nd vnet.
Is this possible and if so how is it done?
Tom Hickling