Our application isCPU intensive and we need abandwidth of around150 mega-bit per seconds (upstream and downstream).
Our application performs real-time video processing (which includes decoding, encoding and other fun stuff), it uses SSE2 (soon to be SSE3).
Today we host a machine in a local datacenter.
The machine is Intel core i5.
With this machine we can run 8-9 concurrent instances of our application.
This machine also runs a SQL server.
In Azure we use aXtra Largemachine with Standard SQL server.
Note that we use the machine as is - IaaS.
According to MS documentation, Large machine has 8 cores based virtual CPUs (AMD based).
We were not able to run even a single instance of our application.
The CPU intensive sub-systems choked and were not able to process/decode the video.
Any suggestions/recommendations will be welcomed since we feel Azure doesn't answer our needs.
Is there some tuning we should do on the VM?