I cant Set-Connection to Azure before uploading VHD
I'm read ton of documentation, but get error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\.NET SDK\2012-10>csupload Set-Conn ection "SubscriptionID=328adbe2-c662-xxxx-xxxx-063b14dc430d;CertificateThumbprin t=168630E475F104774986090899E32AC0AC7D08xx;ServiceManagementEndpoint=https:/mana gement.core.windows.net" Windows(R) Azure(TM) Upload Tool version for Microsoft(R) .NET Framework 3.5 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The syntax for the connection string 'SubscriptionID=328adbe2-c662-xxxx-xxxx-063 b14dc430d;CertificateThumbprint=168630E475F104774986090899E32AC0AC7D08xx;Service ManagementEndpoint=https:/management.core.windows.net' is not valid. [Invalid UR I: The Authority/Host could not be parsed.] Cannot find a connection string.
I install my certificate in User and Local repositories (in personal and trusted authorities) and add certificate into Azure management portal.
Please help.