I've recently developed an issue creating new VMs and starting up existing VMs, seemingly in particular those that are Basic_A0. Traditionally I have been creating VMs(Basic_A0) through a Powershell script that creates the VM(Server 2012 R2), joins it to my domain, puts it into the right CloudService and Subnet and then using DSC to set its configuration. It has worked perfectly for the past month and I have been easily able to create and destroy VMs as my heart desires, however since Wednesday I have been having significant issues.
I tried creating two VMs through the Powershell script, the scripts reported the VMs had been created perfectly fine however when looking at the portal I saw that they were both reporting "Stopped (Could Not Start)" I thought that I had mucked the script up, so I deleted the VMs and associated VHD and tried again which provided the same result of two brand new VMs that could not start. Memory is a bit fuzzy but I am pretty sure that I got both of them working by changing the size of VM to something larger as per normal. In the evening before I left to go home I decided that maybe Azure had been having a few issues when I tried creating the VMs which resulted in the issues I had been having so deleted both of the VMs and VHDs with the intention of recreating them fresh in the morning.
So yesterday morning I recreated them using the scripts, if I remember correctly one started OK and the other needed to be changed size before it booted.
This morning I tried to turn both VMs back on neither would start. Again changing the size of the VM worked for one of the VMs but I still haven't managed to get the other VM to boot yet!
Additionally I tried creating a VM(Standard_A0) through the Azure portal this morning, putting it into my usual CloudService and this too failed giving the same state of "Stopped(Could Not Start)" which is very annoying!
Interestingly, creating a VM(Basic_A0) in its own new CloudService and StorageAccount appears for it to be working fine!
Any suggestions or places to start looking for reasons why they can't start? The messages provided on the error screen are to generic to provide any real chance of finding the issue and I can't see anything relevant in the operations logs!
When trying to start the VMs I am get these back from the Operations Logs
<OperationStatus><ID>6602df4f-0086-682a-9971-25581a9f5e36</ID><Status>Failed</Status><HttpStatusCode>500</HttpStatusCode><Error><Code>InternalError</Code><Message>The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.</Message></Error></OperationStatus>
<OperationStatus><ID>948d57f5-5ee2-6dc3-bc8e-eb38a49df28e</ID><Status>Failed</Status><HttpStatusCode>500</HttpStatusCode><Error><Code>InternalError</Code><Message>The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.</Message></Error></OperationStatus>
I would put in images but I am not allowed to yet!