When creating VM using my custom disk, I encountered the same issue as the one mentioned in this post(http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mast/archive/2014/06/18/azure-vm-provisioning-stuck-on-quot-installing-extensions-on-virtual-machine-quot.aspx). I can’t resolve my problem by following the steps of the post.
Here is the context:
- Before uploading the disk, I prepare my Ubuntu VM by following this post(http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-create-upload-vhd-ubuntu/) in which there is a step “sudo apt-get install walinuxagent”.
- When creating VM, the portal is stuck in "Installing extensions on virtual machine...”.
- I can’t SSH to the VM.
- I checked the status of VM agent using PowerShell, it shows ‘GuestAgentVersion: Unknown’ and ‘Status: NotReady’.
Could you kindly help me out?