I am attempting to upload a manually edited WADConfig xml to my VM. The WAD service is functioning correctly, I needed to add some custom WinEventLogs. The prescribed steps result in an error.
What am I overlooking?
I am following these instructions:
Step 5: Remotely install Diagnostics on your Azure Virtual Machine
$storage_name ="wadexamplevm"
$key ="<StorageAccountKey>"
$config_path="c:\users\<user>\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\WadExampleVM\WadExampleVM\WadExample.xml"
$storageContext =New-AzureStorageContext-StorageAccountName $storage_name -StorageAccountKey $key
$VM1 =Get-AzureVM-ServiceName $service_name -Name $vm_name
$VM2 =Set-AzureVMDiagnosticsExtension-DiagnosticsConfigurationPath $config_path-Version"1.*"-VM $VM1 -StorageContext $storageContext
$VM3 =Update-AzureVM-ServiceName $service_name -Name $vm_name-VM $VM2.VM
Unfortunately, I am receiving this error:
Update-AzureVM : BadRequest: Invalid update to extension reference for role: XXXXXX and reference: IaaSDiagnostics.
What's missing from the above script?