I'm an MSDN subscriber using Azure for last 20 months or so. I have a VM (Win Server 2012) which is serving some web sites and went offline (unresponsive) at 13.30 on 31/12/2014 (around 22 hours ago).
First port of call is to try RDP - stuck on "Securing remote connection...".
Check IP address hasn't changed, in Azure Management Portal. It hasn't, so I'm definitely trying to connect to the right server.
Next step, try restart of virtual machine through Management Portal.
Restarting message keeps showing for more than 20 minutes.
Open new instance of Management Portal and click Restart and below message is shown.
"Another reboot or reimage operation is already in progress on role instance ......"
It looks like Azure cannot restart the server any more.
I have domain names pointed at the server so don't want to lose the IP address and endure another 24 hours of outage with DNS changes.
Because I'm an MSDN subscriber I have no access to Azure support.
Can anyone please suggest what I can do next?
I don't want the hassle of changing providers but the Azure Portal does seem pretty unreliable. This is not the first issue I've had with it and when you factor in the outage in November, I can't help but think that Amazon would be a better place to be.
Any thoughts on that appreciated also.
Thanks a lot