I'm new to Azure and am experimenting with it - building a few virtual machines and creating a virtual network I can use to learn more about IIS and powershell without impacting my own network at work. The server platform I chose was Server 2012 R2
I used the 'quick create' option within my trial of Azure. The machines were created on my test domain; I've installed the Active Directory services on the machine that will be my domain controller. This will be the first DC in the domain. After
installing the Active Directory services (and necessary features), I now am trying to promote the server to a DC and get this message:
"Active Directory domain controller for domain "My Domain" could not be contacted. Ensure you supplied the correct DNS domain name"
How do I promote the VM to be my domain controller? Is there some DC in Azure that I need to somehow point to? Do I need to scrap these machines and start over and not use the 'quick create' option?