I want to script the creation of a VM with SQL Server 2014 OLTP image (SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Optimized for Transactional Workloads on Windows Server 2012 R2).
If I use New-AzureVM or New-AzureQuickVM, I get the following error :
New-AzureVM : BadRequest: The value for parameter 'PersistentVMRole.MediaLocation' is null or empty.
The two latest images give the same error. No problem if I use "SQL Server 2014 RTM Enterprise on Windows Server 2012 R2", but this is not the image I need.
Adding disks does not help :
New-AzureVM : BadRequest: No Disk should be specified for a Role if using a VMImage.
I have seen another similar thread about a Sharepoint VMImage, but I do not understand the solution.
Thanks in advance for your help