I have deployed 3 VMs to the same availability and affinity set and for testing purposes set up a day/night autoscale schedule through the management portal.
During night, all VMs are turned off - during day it scales between one and three instances, based on CPU use.
This all works fine, but now I want to change/disable the settings.
Every time I save the changed settings, I get an "OK" from the portal, but nothing has really changed.
It doesn't matter if I try to remove the day/night schedule or just adjust the number of instances to activate - nothing is changed when the portal reloads after saving the settings.
The instances are still turned on/off according to the unchanged settings, so it is not just the Portal displaying wrong information.
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
Is there a way to change/remove the autoscale settings with PowerShell instead of the Portal?
Additional details:
Affinity: West Europe, VM size: A2, Availability set only contains 3 instances, Cloud Service contains an additional 2 VMs in different availability sets. I have tried changing the settings with all instances on, all instance off and 1/2 on.