I have a standalone VM image for BI demos (DC+Sharepoint+SQL). I can spin up a new VM from the image for new clients etc. I followed a technet article which creates 3 disks, the OS disk, a DC data disk, and an SQL data disk
I need to move this image into a new subscription.
What would be the process?
I understand I need to move the VHDs to the new subscription, but then how do I create the new "VM Image" object from those multiple VHDs?
the Add-AzureVMImage cmdlet doesn't have a parameter for data disks. OS disk only
A link in a previous topic on this only has info on how to create an image from a running VM.
Is that what i need to do?
copy the image VHDs from sub1 into sub2
create a dummy VM from the VHDs
create a VM Img from the dummy VM
delete dummy VM
Jakub @ Adelaide, Australia