during friday (maintanance was announced in West Europe) we had problems with our Linux CentOS: it broke down several times, only reset via Azure Portal helped.
But on saturday morning it broke down again and we weren't able boot it up again… We tried stop/start, restart, we tried change number of cores and memory… This machine showed "running", but no connection via SSH was available.
We resolved this by installing new Virtual Machine and linking old disks, so everything work now again.
But I'd like to know, what happend. If I look to /var/log/messages, I can see some strange things:
1) VM had problem with SCSI during friday - manytimes!
2) few hours before last breakdown (Saturday 9:37 UTC) there is some Fatal error writing disk sda (system disk)
3) after 9:37 UTC there is no message - even we tried to run it several times. It means, that Azure was not starting this Linux
Is anyone from Microsoft interesting in sending this "messages" log? I believe there was some critical error on "virtualized hardware" level.
I need to know, that this situation will never happen again…
Contact: michal.politzer@triobo.com, +420724544444 (Czech republic)