We have several azure vm's running.
Lately, we had some remote desktop connection problems.
First time, we could solve it by recreating the remote desktop endpoint (http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsazure/en-US/538a8f18-7c1f-4d6e-b81c-70c00e25c93d/troubleshooting-endpoint-connectivity-rdpsshhttp-etc-failures?forum=WAVirtualMachinesforWindows)
Second time, recreating the remote desktop endpoint didn't help. But when resizing the vm from medium to small, we could access it again via remote desktop. This was suggested here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11653208/cannot-remote-desktop-into-windows-azure-vm
But when we switch it back to medium, it is not accessible anymore.
What are the reasons for this connection problems on some machines?
jfi: We have about 20 vm's running, firewall ports are configured correctly, endpoints in azure are set correctly and most of the vm's are accessible via remote desktop.