I am having trouble getting Export-AzureVM to work.
Here is my output:
PS C:\Users\jason_000\documents\azuresp2013> .\export
VERBOSE: 9:44:23 AM - Begin Operation: Get Deployment
VERBOSE: 9:44:24 AM - Begin Operation: Get Deployment
VERBOSE: 9:44:24 AM - Begin Operation: Get Deployment
VERBOSE: 9:44:25 AM - Begin Operation: Get Deployment
VERBOSE: 9:44:26 AM - Begin Operation: Get Deployment
VERBOSE: 9:44:27 AM - Begin Operation: Get Deployment
My export.ps1 script is as follows:
Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName vmsp01-jdevsp28102656 -Name vmsp01 $ExportPath = "C:\ExportVMs\ExportAzureVM-vmsp01.xml" Export-AzureVM -ServiceName vmsp01-jdevsp28102656 -name vmsp01 -Path $ExportPath Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName vmdb01-jdevsp28102656 -Name vmdb01 $ExportPath = "C:\ExportVMs\ExportAzureVM-vmdb01.xml" Export-AzureVM -ServiceName vmdb01-jdevsp28102656 -name vmdb01 -Path $ExportPath Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName vmad01-jdevsp28102656 -Name vmad01 $ExportPath = "C:\ExportVMs\ExportAzureVM-vmad01.xml" Export-AzureVM -ServiceName vmad01-jdevsp28102656 -name vmad01 -Path $ExportPath
The file path C:\ExportVMs exists.
My virtual machine names are vmad01, vmdb01, and vmsp01
I have 3 cloud services in my account whose names are vmad01-jdevsp28102656,vmdb01-jdevsp28102656 and vmsp01-jdevsp28102656
The script runs real quick and just drops back to the prompt, but there is nothing in the C:\ExportVMs folder when complete.
Thanks for your time,