I have setupa VM with an HTTP endpoint and SSH endpoint. The VM is runing a linux image, with a simple webserver on it, listening on port 80.
When the public port and the private port are the same , I can connect via ssh (on port 22), or reach the webserver on port 80 (simply by opening the browser on http://<my-service-name>.cloudapp.net)
But, if I change the public port to something else, I can't connect.
For example, if I change the HTTP endpoint to public port = 90 ( keep private port = 80) I expect I'll be able to load http://<my-service-name>.couldapp.net:90, and hit the webserver listeneing internally on port 80.
Same goes for ssh.
However, in both cases I can no longer connect.
This is espceically problematic when I define a 2nd VM and associating it with the same service - it gets an auto genreated public port fo ssh, but I can't connect to it.
Bottom line - I'm not able to have a diffrenet public port and private port for a VM endpoint.
Am I missing anything?
Please advise.
Thank you,
Ofer Shany