Hello I'm trying to workout what I need to configure my web application to run on Azure.
Ideally I would like
- A Web Server - Access to File Storage (Images, Documents etc) - Later I will need more servers do I need to consider Load Balancing etc with Azure - I recently had a look at Amazon and they had a detailed configuration which included load balancing and
other features - does Azure have any walkthroughs like this? http://media.amazonwebservices.com/architecturecenter/AWS_ac_ra_web_01.pdfhttp://media.amazonwebservices.com/architecturecenter/AWS_ac_ra_web_01.pdf
- Possibly a second web server running back end portal (Subdomain mapped to different IP)- haven't made a complete decision about this - if using a distrubuted cache this should be no problem (Memcached or Other) - Is this what Azure Cache directly refers
- Database Server SQL (Preferrably Separate from web server - should price allow - aiming for Medium term before I need to start making changes to structure). Do I need to configure this later on if the instance where a very large mass of data was accrued
and available across a distributed network i.e. Server in Pacific, Server in USA.
- Proxy -Varnish or something like it? Does azure have anything by default?
- Service running (Somewhere) - checking mail, and custom operations/calculations etc
Budget at this stage is 200 NZD per month. (Happy to scale back elements if Im asking to much at this stage)
Any help would be appreciated