I have a requirement of creating a Linux Vitual Machine(Ubuntu Version) in Azure. But I don't have any option to add the custom script to VM that to be provisioned with some sort of initial start up programs. The Azure is now supporting the same for windows version machines through powershell and GUI as well. But I did not find any such option for Linux Images. Some one said in some of the portal that this task can be done using through the Azure-Xplat Cli. I have gone through the same for provisioning the Vm with some custom script, but i was unable to create means I was unable to figure out how to use that custom script option and other options for the same.
The following is the example using azure-xplat cli
Ex:azure vm create --vm-size extrasmall --location "East US" --ssh 22 --no-ssh-password --ssh-cert ~/.ssh/NatAzureCert.pem --custom-data ~/Azure/linux/NatCustomTest nattest 0b11de9248dd4d87b18621318e037d37__RightImage-CentOS-6.5-x64-v13.5.2 nat
Can you please nay one help on how to create a Linux VM with custom Script.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks and Regards
Bhaskar Desharaju