I have setup 1 cloud service with 3 instances of Linux machines
the first isnstance Shh end point set to port 22
the other matchine on the same cloud service end points set up to : 23 and 24
so, when I conneting with Putty to the first machine at poert 22 it works fine
but to the other (23,24) I always got error connection refued
how i can remote the other 2 instances?
the first isnstance Shh end point set to port 22
the other matchine on the same cloud service end points set up to : 23 and 24
so, when I conneting with Putty to the first machine at poert 22 it works fine
but to the other (23,24) I always got error connection refued
how i can remote the other 2 instances?