I have a virtual machine with Windows Server 2012.
I had problems to start it a few days ago on: 3/26/2014. After many retries (along 7 hours or so), it started. Now it is shown as running but I cannot use it. I cannot connect to it through RDP.
Even more, now I cannot shut it down, nor restart it. At each retry I am getting: "The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.", respectively There was no endpoint listening at https://management.core.windows.net:8443/e9cd1b15-b225-40ff-b20c-6f15fa2e74bf/services/hostedservices/FC-dev-VS2013/deployments/FC-dev-VS2013/roleInstances/FC-dev-VS2013/Operations that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Subscription id: e9cd1b15-b225-40ff-b20c-6f15fa2e74bf
Deployment Id: 297a852bd6c1458fba184c221437257e
What can I do to get this solved?
Azure bills me for it, but I cannot use it. Not fair..
Thanks in advance for any help