I'm trying to create a disk using the REST API. The steps I'm following are as follows.
I'm creating a Page Blob using the storage API, and then trying to create a disk that references the created blob.
Here is a representation of the created blob:
#<Redacted> {
:name => "e6f872ac44f2f33677343a4206e7fcdc.vhd",
:size => 20,
:container_name => "vhds",
:url => "http://<redacted>.blob.core.windows.net/<redacted>/e6f872ac44f2f33677343a4206e7fcdc.vhd",
:properties => {
"Last-Modified" => "Fri, 17 May 2013 16:06:47 GMT",
"Etag" => "0x8D0212FAAF30A99",
"Content-Length" => "21474836480",
"Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream",
"Content-Encoding" => "",
"Content-Language" => "",
"Content-MD5" => "",
"Cache-Control" => "",
"x-ms-blob-sequence-number" => "0",
"BlobType" => "PageBlob",
"LeaseStatus" => "unlocked",
"LeaseState" => "available"
I'm then sending a request to create a Virtual Machine Disk that references that blob. I'm sending the following request body:
<Disk xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure\" xmlns:i=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"><OS>Linux</OS><Label>Some label</Label><MediaLink>http://<redacted>.blob.core.windows.net/<redacted>/e6f872ac44f2f33677343a4206e7fcdc.vhd</MediaLink><Name>98d7e98cf8f7f59edeb10162ce9ad64b</Name></Disk>
But I get this response back on the request:
<Error xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure\" xmlns:i=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"><Code>BadRequest</Code><Message>The blob is not a valid VHD.</Message></Error>
Anybody have any ideas on why this fails?