The situation is this:
Had a WS2012 VM and deleted I want to delete the disk that was attached to it but after 2 days the disk is still showing the virtual machine on the "attached to" column, this prevents me of deleting the storage account that holds it...
I have tried the steps here using the azure SDK and was able to delete both the vhd and the container, I have tried deleting the disk through powershell but I get an error saying its still in use by the virtual machine:
remove-azuredisk : HTTP Status Code: BadRequest - HTTP Error Message: A disk with name labazuresv01-labazurevm02-0-20130116205552 is currently in use by virtual machine labazurevm02 running within hosted service azurelabsv01-vm1, deployment labazuresv01. Operation ID: 3ea94070c3d347519f3890c15fce64f4 At line:1 char:1+ remove-azuredisk -diskname labazuresv01-labazurevm02-0-20130116205552+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Remove-AzureDisk], CommunicationException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.ServiceManagement.IaaS.RemoveAzureDiskCommand
When I write get-AzureVM on powershell I can't see the machine (the online portal doesn't show it either)...and (correct me if i'm wrong on the syntax) I tried to delete the virtual machine from powershell by writing Remove-AzureVM -ServiceName azurelabsv01-vm1 -Name labazurevm02 but and nothing came back...nothing changed either...
Needless to say that when I try to delete the storage account that had the vhd it tells me there's a disk attached to it... also read this but didn't worked and I also saw this thread but the solution didn't worked either...I truly don't know what else to anybody?