Time ago I have developed an accounting desktop software. Now I want to turn it into an App with a back end in the cloud. I have split the desktop application in a front end Windows 8 App and a WCF back end.
For the App I read a book by Craig Brockschmidt, it didn’t answer all my questions but resulted a good orientation. For converting the backend part into a WCF service it was enough with intellisense and some searching on the internet.
I have tested both parts using Visual Studio 2012 in two windows pointing the App to the service. So everything ok in localhost. But I wasn’t able to publish the WCF service to an Azure Virtual Machine.
I can’t even make a static html page visible from the internet just to try something simpler.
So I need to read something about Azure VMs like Brockschmidt’s book to know the basics. Without that reading I can’t make a question that can be answered in a short way